Create your own fully-configured website ready to sell your farm goods in less than 1 day

It’s TIME!

You’ve got your dream farm and you’re ready to expand into the online world.

Congratulations, and I mean that with every ounce of my being.

All you need
is a

Hmmm, the website needs…

— a content management system,

— and a shopping cart,

— and a payment processor…that can handle recurring transactions,

— and a way to collect emails,

— and a support tracking system,

— and a way to book farm tours,

— and sell CSAs or Subscription boxes,

— and sell tickets to events,

— and a blog,

— and a funnel builder with bumps and upsells,

— and opt-ins with tripwires,

— and FAQs,

and then what about all the legal requirements (terms, privacy, cookies, etc.),

— and hosting,

— and backups,

— and security,

— and SEO,

— and, oh my…


I know how you feel.

Where do I start?

Should I just give up?

What's this going to cost?

Do these things work together?

Do I really need all of that?

How much time will this take?

Can I do this myself?

So, where’s this going?

In early 2022 I took a 6-week course on selling to a specific niche. After the first or second week, I thought to myself

“How on earth will a non-technical person do all of this?” *

Even knowing what I was doing, it was a LOT! So, again, I thought

“This is a problem…what’s the solution?”


* Adding and integrating all of the pieces and parts.
See overwhelming list above!

the solution is simple…

a Simple Solution Website

Where do I start?

The Simple Solution Website gives you a huge jumpstart on building a website.

Can I do this myself?

Yep, because you get step-by-step onboarding instructions and a library of how-to’s.

Should I just give up?

Absolutely NOT! We’re here to help calm all of that overwhelm.

How much time will this take?

Purchase, brand, add products, and start selling!

Do I really need all of that?

Maybe not. At least not in the beginning, but it’s there if/when you do need it.

What's this going to cost?

A lot less than you think. We’ll go over all that below.

Do these things work together?

Yes, everything has been thoroughly tested together!

Yay, back on track!

What you get

The “Digital Content” Simple Solution Website is a complete website. It has an intentional minimalistic design allowing YOU to design it how you want. The admin area is fully-configured with all of your needs, a lot of your wants, and even a few of those things that make you say that’s cool.

the world's most popular website platform


a complete design framework that allows you to design and customize every part of your website from the ground up

Premium Plugins*:

Advanced Custom Fields


Modern Events Calendar

Ninja Forms

Pretty Links



Woo Discount Rules



Yoast SEO

Everything you need is included with this original product. However, if you need something more robust, upgrades are available for:

  • AffiliateWP Upgrade
  • FunnelKit Upgrade
  • Ninja Forms Upgrade
  • SupportCandy Upgrade

Included pre-installed pages:

  • Home
  • Shop -- with multiple product type examples
  • FAQs
  • Affiliates Area
  • Contact
  • Articles / Blog
  • Legal Pages
  • Password Reset
  • Account
  • Support
  • Design Elements -- shows options for headers, footers, testimonials, opt-ins, etc.

Also included:

  • "Hosted" on a managed cloud platform
  • Scheduled plugin maintenance
  • 256 MB+ WordPress Memory
  • 15 GB+ cloud storage
  • Auto-scaled for site traffic
  • Backups every 12 hours
  • SSL Security

A toolbox of great utilities:

  • post expiration
  • database search & replace
  • media library replace, rename, regenerate
  • translator
  • popups
  • timers
  • duplicate posts
  • terms & conditions
  • cookies management
  • and more

Most important:

  • training videos


* Premium Plugins include loads of options and add-ons to handle nearly every need.

* WooCommerce includes Subscriptions, Bookings, Deposits, Gift Cards, Mix & Match Products, Pick & Pack Lists, Product Add-ons, Bundles, UPS & USPS Shipping

You’re Smart!

I know it’ll take more than some fancy pictures, words, and bullet points to convince you this is the real deal.

So, let me show you!

Take a tour of the front-end.

Complete this form and I’ll sweep you right off to take a self-guided tour of the exact Simple Solution website you’ll be purchasing!

The “Farmstead” Simple Solution Website

$78 / month with a 7-day free trial

7-day risk-free trial!

No Credit Card required!

NOTE: If you do not add a credit card to your account before the trial ends, your website will automatically be deleted.

I know what you’re thinking…

“Who the heck is telling me they can do ALL of this?”

Hello there, I’m

Leslie Carson

I've had a love affair with writing code and managing databases since the days before personal email even existed! Back then, it wasn't called Information Technology (IT); it was known as Management Information Systems (MIS) and no one had a computer at their desk…except me. Why? Because that's where my true talent lay!

Before I broke free from corporate shackles, I spent nearly two decades lending my tech talents to a Fortune 500 company. I guess you could say I'm a bona fide career geek—a problem solver, a puzzler, the resident tech whiz you want in your corner!

Many Blessings,


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© 2022 – 2024 Simple Solution Website
