Create your own fully-configured website ready to sell your digital content in less than 1 day

You’re so EXCITED!

You finally have everything in place to start that new online business you’ve been wanting forever
Congratulations, and I mean that with every ounce of my being.

All you need now is a WEBSITE!

Hmmm, the website needs…

— a content management system,

— and a shopping cart,

— and a payment processor…that can handle recurring transactions,

— and a way to collect emails,

— and a support tracking system,

— and an affiliate program,

— and space for document storage,

— and memberships,

— and a blog,

— and a funnel builder with bumps and upsells,

— and opt-ins with tripwires,

— and FAQs,

and then what about all the legal requirements (terms, privacy, cookies, etc.),

— and hosting,

— and backups,

— and security,

— and SEO,

— and, oh my…


I know how you feel.

Where do I start?

Should I just give up?

What's this going to cost?

Do these things work together?

Do I really need all of that?

How much time will this take?

Can I do this myself?

So, where’s this going?

In early 2022 I took a 6-week course on selling content. After the first or second week, I thought to myself

“How on earth will a non-tech savvy person put all

these pieces & parts together?”

Even knowing what I was doing, it was a LOT! So, again, I thought

“This is a problem…what’s the solution?”

* Adding and integrating all of the pieces and parts.
See overwhelming list above!

the solution is simple…

a Simple Solution Website

Where do I start?

The Simple Solution Website gives you a huge jumpstart on building a website.

Can I do this myself?

Yep, because you get step-by-step onboarding instructions and a library of how-to’s.

Should I just give up?

Absolutely NOT! We’re here to help calm all of that overwhelm.

How much time will this take?

Purchase, brand, add products, begin selling.

Do I really need all of that?

Maybe not. At least not in the beginning, but it’s there if/when you do need it.

What's this going to cost?

A lot less than you think. We’ll go over all that below.

Do these things work together?

Yes, everything has been thoroughly tested together!

Happy dance, back on track!

Introducing a groundbreaking process designed to eliminate the time, financial, and stress burdens of creating a website from scratch so you can start selling your products online tomorrow!

The “Digital Content” Simple Solution Website is a complete website. It features a deliberately minimalistic design, empowering YOU to redesign it according to your preferences. The admin area comes fully-configured to meet all your needs, many of your wants, and even a few of features that make you say that’s cool.

Here’s the most important of what’s included and a cost comparison with Shopify or your self-hosted WordPress site.
a WordPress site
price per month
SSW Upgrades
use only if a more robust
program is needed
price per month*
Host Your Own
WordPress Site
price per month
Hosting $5
Backups $8 $0
Security $9 $0
SSL Usually Free
Divi $7.5
Affiliate Program $5 $0 $25
FAQs  $6 $5.75
Form Builder $2.5 $12.5 $12.25
Funnel Builder &
Email Automation
$5 $42 $20
SEO $19 $8.25
Support Tracking $2.5 $3 $6.5
Payment Processor $0
Shopping Cart $0
Content Management
Shopify to WordPress migration One-time fee of $59
Cost $73/month -- $99.5/month* $90.25/month*
* Shopify programs will
often add a
per-transaction fee.
* Prices are based on a
single annual purchase.


Single Source Email Support
You will need to get
support from each
Shopify extension provider.

You will need to get
support from each
WordPress plug-in provider.
Priority Email Support + Weekly Live Q&A Zoom Meeting
Solutions Lab

Also Included!

Pre-installed pages:

  • Home
  • Shop — with multiple product type examples
  • FAQs
  • Affiliates Area
  • Contact
  • Articles / Blog
  • Legal Pages
  • Password Reset
  • Account
  • Support
  • Design Elements — shows options for headers, footers, testimonials, opt-ins, etc.


  • “Hosted” on a managed cloud platform
  • Scheduled plugin maintenance
  • 256 MB+ WordPress Memory
  • 15 GB+ cloud storage
  • Auto-scaled for site traffic
  • Backups every 12 hours
  • SSL Security

Most Important:

  • Onboarding & Training Videos

Plus a toolbox of great utilities:

  • post expiration
  • database search & replace
  • media library replace, rename, regenerate
  • translator
  • popups
  • timers
  • duplicate posts
  • terms & conditions
  • cookies management
  • and more 

You’re Smart!

I know it’ll take more than some fancy pictures, words, and bullet points to convince you this is the real deal.

So, let me show you!

Take a tour of the front-end.

Complete this form and I’ll sweep you right off to take a self-guided tour of the exact Simple Solution website you’ll be purchasing!

p.s. don’t forget to check your email!


The “Website in a Day – eCommerce” Simple Solution Website

$88 / month

I know what you’re thinking…

“Who the heck is telling me they can do ALL of this?”

Hello there, I’m

Leslie Carson

I've had a love affair with writing code and managing databases since the days before personal email even existed! Back then, it wasn't called Information Technology (IT); it was known as Management Information Systems (MIS) and no one had a computer at their desk…except me. Why? Because that's where my true talent lay!

Before I broke free from corporate shackles, I spent nearly two decades lending my tech talents to a Fortune 500 company. I guess you could say I'm a bona fide career geek—a problem solver, a puzzler, the resident tech whiz you want in your corner!

Many Blessings,


Let's Chat!

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free consultation


© 2022 – 2024 Simple Solution Website
