Misc – Import from Shopify


You can select to import 9 types of data from Shopify to WooCommerce. Including store settings, shipping zones, taxes, pages, blogs, coupons, customers, products, and orders.

  • Store Settings: site title, admin email, store address, city, country, state, postcode, time zone, weight unit, currency code, and currency format.
  • Shipping Zones: shipping zones and shipping methods.
  • Taxes: tax name, tax rate, country, province, zip, and shipping.
  • Pages: title, content.
  • Blogs: blog title, blog content, categories, tags, and featured image.
  • Coupons: coupon types that WooCommerce supports, coupon amount, usage limit, expiry date, and minimum amount.
  • Customers: first name, last name, phone, company, address, city, province, zip, and country.
  • Products: title, content, excerpt, variations, product image, variations images, product gallery, SKU, stock, regular price, sale price, weight, and tags.
  • Product Categories
  • Orders: payment method, shipping method, first name, last name, company, country, address, zip, city, province, phone, total, subtotal, tax, discount, shipping cost, currency, date created, browser IP, customer user agent, line items, discount code, order number, and order fulfillment.

